
The Pla-NeTE platform is equipped with different types of sensors and meters. The data of each is recorded in the manufacturer’s portal, with its own step.

For a better exploitation of the Platform, all these data are synchronized and grouped in a single database. The data base are released into the Public Domain under the ODC-By licence. The access to digital files are controlled with password protection.

The diagram below shows the location of the sensors and meters in the Pla-NeTE platform

Brief description

Data for the database are provides from the folowing devices :

  • SMA Sunny Boy inverters, designed by SB1 and SB2 : their data are stored on the SMA website
  • Energy meters from SACEM Industries. These counters are placed at each three-phase connection point SM_S1 and SM_S2, and at each single-phase connection point SM_R, SM_S and SM_T.
  • SM_TRo Energy Meter, located at the output of the Pla-NeTE Platform 3-phase isolation transformer
  • Ambient temperature sensor, SM_Ta° : its data are placed with those of the energy meters of SACEM Industries
  • Weather station : ambient temperature and irradiation data from the sensors indicated by SM_G-T°, are placed in the site of the station

This database is accessible from the links below

Access to the database

  • Copy information for authentication

    Server :

    User : sql6447649
    Password : FEqeueg9Fd

  • Go to the server address: or click here


Each dataset is stored in different tables depending on the source of the data. Thus the data from the UPS website is recorded in the dsunny table, that from the SACEM Industries meters in dsacem and that from the weather station in dweather.

The data can then be synchronized and broken down as required by the user, and accessed from the Views tab.

The data dictionary, explaining the database data information, is available at the DataDictionnary link.

The authentication information to these links is identical to that of the database access.